TechNation Live! From the PRC

This program was taped live at the 1994 Public Radio Conference in San Antonio, Texas, and features Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin, General Chuck Horner, commander of the U.S. Space Command, Skip Johns, associate director for technology of the Executive Office of the President Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. Carolyn Huntoon, director of the NASA/Johnson Space Center, and Dick MacLeod, president and executive director of the U.S. Space Foundation.

This program of TechNation focuses on the 25th anniversary of the Apollo moon landing. Dr. Moira Gunn speaks with her guests about the role of the space missions today and the future of space exploration tomorrow. The program includes results of the recent Space Symposium and current information on the status of the manned space station.

Tapes, transcripts, and more information on TechNation is available by calling or by sending e-mail to

Rebroadcast of TechNation is made possible by the Internet Multicasting Service and our sponsors.

[audio] .au format (27.5 Mb), .gsm format (5.6 Mb), .ra format (3.6 Mb)