The Ballad of Ned Ludd
A Techno-Folk Opera
All selections comprising The Ballad of Ned Ludd Techno-Folk Opera Copyright (c) 1994 and 1995 by Becknell and
Lucas. Dissemination as an 8 khz audio file is allowed, nay even encouraged.
The performers are:
- Gretchen Priest on violin.
- Corinne Becknell on vocals, bottle caps, over-ripe zuchinni, and keyboards.
- Marty Lucas on vocals, keyboards, skillet lid, mop handle, steel trunk, and
the Digidesign Session 8.
- With special guests, The Roundtown Ramblers, on "General Ludd's Victory".
- and with Zippernek helping out on "To Mr. Smith of Huddersfield".
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