Robert Wright
"Every single television set in America--all 200 million of them-
will be obsolete" if Congress carries out current proposals to
accelerate the date to make high-definition digital television
mandatory, the president of the National Broadcasting Company said
at an NPC luncheon June 22, 1995. Robert Wright, the top man at NBC,
added that the cost to the public will exceed $100 billion. He
said converter boxes to get digital programming would cost
consumers an estimated $500 each. Plans call for stations to be
loaned a second channel so they can broadcast in both the old and
new services. When the transition is complete, all broadcasts will
be transmitted digitally. The spectrum that broadcasters currently
use would be returned to the government which could auction it for
new uses, raising new revenue. A "sensible transition" would take
15 years, Wright said, but 10 years is being pushed. He said it
is critical to have "legislative assurances that consumers have the
same easy access to free, over-the-air broadcasting that they have
today." Wright also assailed proposals that would levy a tax on only
TV broadcasters when other industries, such as cable TV and
long-distance telephone services, use far more frequencies than the
entire TV industry. National Press Club Record, Volume XLV,
No. 25. June 29, 1995.
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