Steve Deering / Xerox PARC

Stephen Deering received his B.Sc.(1973) and M.Sc.(1982) from the University of British Columbia, and his PhD (1991) from Stanford University. He has been studying, designing and implementing computer communication protocols since 1978, including work on X.25 software for connecting to public networks, on the first implementation of the X.400 protocol suite for e-mail, and on high-performance transport protocols for distributed systems. For his doctoral dissertation, he developed several new routing protocols for efficient and scalable internetwork multicasting.

Dr. Deering is currently a member of the research staff at Xerox PARC, where he is continuing his work on multicast routing as well as other advanced networking topics, including mobile communications, scalable addressing, and support for multi-media applications over the Internet. He is an active member of the Internet End-to-End Protocols Research Group, and of the Internet Engineering Task Force.

Dr. Deering was honored by being declared "Geek of the Year" for 1994 by Internet Talk Radio.

He can be contacted on the Internet at