Alsace: The Romanesque Road
Click here for a map of Alsace
(Mileage is estimated distance from each preceeding city or site.)
- Notre-Dame Cathedral, Palais de Rohan Museum, La Petite
France Old Quarter, St-Thomas Church, Musée de l'Oeuvre Notre Dame.
- WISSEMBOURG (42 miles)
- 13th-century Gothic church with Romanesque
tower, wonderful 14th- to 15th-century frescoes, lovely unfinished
cloister, Lauter River, old Bruch Qsarter.
- Romanesque church, 15th-century
statues, stacked 11th-century chapels, tapestries.
- Unique Romanesque doors and
16th-century tapestries in former Benedictine convent. Panoramic view
from Chapel of St-Michel.
- MARMOUTIER (6 miles)
- Superb 12th-century abbey church facade,
fascinating Museum of Popular Arts and Traditions.
- DOMPETER (at AVOLSHEIM, 13 miles)
- 11th-century St-Peter Church,
oldest in Alsace.
- ROSHEIM (7 miles)
- 12th-century St-Peter and Paul Church, a
Romanesque masterpiece; oldest house in Alsace.
- MONT STE-ODILE (8 miles)
- Convent founded by Alsace's patron saint,
spectacular views, 11th-century chapels. Side trip 12 miles to
Struthof Concentration Camp Memorial.
- ANDLAU (8 miles)
- 12th-century abbey church, portal.
- SELESTAT (16 miles)
- Romanesque Ste-Foy Church, Gothic St-Georges
Church, 15th-century Humanist Library.
- Medieval castle-fortress reconstructed
by Kaiser Wilhelm II. Magnificent panorama.
- KAYSERSBERG (16 miles)
- Delightful wine village. Romanesque and
Gothic church, Frederick the Great Castle, Renaissance houses and
fortified bridge, Albert Schweitzer Museum.
- COLMAR (8 miles)
- Unterlinden Museum, Issenheim altarpiece,
Collegiale St-Martin, Dominican church, Bartholdi Museum (sculptor of the
Statue of Liberty), La Petite Venise Quarter.
- EGUISHEIM (4 miles)
- Medieval wine village, Romanesque church tower,
ruins of three châteaux.
- GUEBWILLER (13 miles)
- Renaissance town hall, three famous churches:
Romanesque St-Léger, Notre-Dame with monumental Baroque altarpiece,
14th-century Dominican convent with frescoes, now cultural center; art-and-history Florvial Museum.
- MURBACH (4 miles)
- Remarkable Romanesque church of once-powerful
Benedictine abbey, gem of Rhenish art.