Click here for a map of the Loire Valley

(Mileage is estimated distance from each preceding city or site.)

COMBLEUX (5 miles)
Once a bargemen's town, with flower-decked houses strung between the canal d'Orléans and the Loire River. Hike along the sandy, untamed river banks.

Just off the N152 toward Pithiviers, an early Renaissance château and gardens that once belonged to Lancelot I du Lac, a companion of King Louis XII, who shared a name with the famous Knight of the Round Table.

COMBREUX (21 miles)
Deer abound in nearby national forest, France's largest. Hunting lodges, ponds.

Well-preserved village with brick, daub and half-timbered houses, intriguing church famous for its caquetoir, an after-church gossip gallery. Good restaurants. The surrounding birch and oak forests of Sologne are filled with lakes and ponds, and in winter with game, a hikers' and hunters' paradise.

SANCERRE (47 miles)
Wine center, noted for dry white and red wines; Loire valley panorama, crowded and narrow streets of the old town; cheese (crottin de Chavignol) and wine tasting.

APREMONT-SUR-ALLIER (36 miles) Ensemble restored during 1930's to its original 15th-century state; looks like a movie set, and has been one.

NOHANT (63 miles)
Home of novelist and feminist George Sand.

LYS-ST-GEORGES (5 miles)
Private castle, courtyard, turn-of-the-century Berry gardener's house, former leprosy hospital.

GARGILESSE (25 miles)
Writer George Sand's summer house, concerts during August harp festival. Nearby castle of Châteaubrun with mammoth garden sculptures.

MONTRESOR (63 miles)
Small, picturesque medieval town, inhabited castle.

RICHELIEU (49 miles)
King Louis XIII's advisor, Cardinal Richelieu, left this early example of urban planning, symmetrical streets and squares.

ROCHECORBON (47 miles)
Along the cliffs of the Loire River, 18th-century suburb of Tours with delightful cave dwellings.

TROO (38 miles)
Walkers will enjoy this village of troglodyte dwellings, from old and simple to modern and elaborate. MONTIGNY-LE-GANNELON (31 miles) Warm welcome and informative tour by castle owners. Treasures include an unusual reliquary.

FRAZE (25 miles)
Small, surprisingly elegant castle, curiously designed church.