
20/20 Vision

20/20 Vision specializes in a sort of pre-formatted activism for folks who feel they can't take much time to get involved--and certainly community meetings can quickly eat up a lot of valuable time. 20/20 Vision members pledge to spend twenty minutes each month in the cause of peace and the environment. They do this mainly by filling out preprinted cards and the like issued by the group to their membership and destined for delivery to politicians, media, and businesses; that's the first twenty. Cheryl Haeseker, their enthusiastic Director of Public Information said that the second "twenty" in their name refers to the $20 membership contribution, but that the organization is proud of the fact that this is not required of people unable to afford the membership. This policy has been allowed 20/20 Vision to develop a large and active base among lower income people in the D.C. area. Cheryl didn't want to list three actions. Just do one, she said. There's never enough time.

Three (well, just one) ACTION Item

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